Sustainability in Business - it is not just about being green. For businesses, sustainability refers to doing business without negatively impacting the environment, community, or society as a whole. It is about working to a positive future - both for the environment and our community.
It is about doing things thoughtfully, thinking ahead and looking at how your actions impact the environment and your community. With more and more consumers becoming aware of the impact business has on the environment and how it contributes to the community, your customer base is expecting you to act on sustainability.
Sustainable businesses consider the environmental, economic, and social impact of each of their decisions. Implementing sustainable business practices, using green technology and making decisions based on your business impact are becoming more embraced by businesses worldwide.
It can seem like such a large task to undertake, especially when you see big business with their big promises. Things like Woolworths promising all stores will be powered by green electricity by 2025. This is just not possible for a lot of small business. What is possible is making small, simple changes that will positively impact your carbon footprint and/or society.
3 Areas of Sustainability
Environmental sustainability is the most common area of sustainability. Through knowledge of climate change has come a demand for business to become more ‘green’. Many businesses have already embraced environmental sustainability practices such as improving energy, recycling, looking at packaging and waste and trying to reduce their carbon footprint.
Social sustainability is about your responsibility as a business to your surrounding community, including your employees. It is about giving back to your community, building relationships. It is about helping to create a world where everyone enjoys quality of life, equal opportunity and supportive community. It is about the people around you.
Economic sustainability is about the long-term sustainability of your business. It includes corporate governance, risk management, compliance, and accounting. This is more about the viability of your business and how you are going to survive long-term. Most business owners have good policies in place for this area of sustainability.
Benefits of Sustainability
Sustainability has been around for decades, however, it has recently become more important to your business practices. While it used to be something that government organizations and some bigger corporate businesses were working toward, it has become standard practice for most businesses.
This can be due, in part, to the attention that the environment and social justice is getting from the general public. People are now expecting businesses to care about the environment and community. Consumers are often looking at the policies of businesses to ensure they are dealing with sustainable businesses.
By adopting sustainable practices, you can attract more customers to your business. You will continue to be able to build relationships with your customers as they look to finding more sustainable businesses to work with and you can market to new customers that you have sustainability practices in place.
You can also avoid losing the consumer base that is looking into the impact your business has on the environment and community.
Sustainability practices can also reduce your costs. Things like becoming energy efficient can cut down on your energy costs. Going paperless reduces paper and printing costs, automating processes saves time and money, purchasing from other sustainable businesses could reduce long term servicing costs on your equipment.
Plus, probably one of the biggest reasons that small business adopt more sustainable practices is that we do care about the environment and our community. Most small business owners are very aware of what impact they have on the community. They are a part of their own community and as such are able to engage with the current issues in that community and provide support where appropriate and viable. There is a personal benefit in knowing that you are helping the environment and your community to build a better future for everyone.
Creating a more sustainable business is ultimately about looking at what you do, what you buy, and how you use and dispose of things. It is about becoming more eco-aware and seeking alternatives to reduce your impact on the environment. It is also about giving back to your community and building relationships to give your community and more stable and sustainable future.
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