Integrity – “the quality of being honest and having strong moral principles.”
Integrity is built on honesty and trustworthiness. It is adhering to core values and morals, even when no one is watching. Integrity is where values and behavior come together. It is having sound judgement and doing the right thing through our words and actions. Having integrity means you are trustworthy, reliable, communicate openly and take responsibility for your action.
In the workplace, integrity means everyone is committed, proactive and accountable. It is the commitment to uphold strong moral principles, ethical behavior, and honesty. It is each person taking responsibility for outcomes and showing respect to each other.
Why is building Integrity in the workplace so important?
Customers care more about ethics than ever before. Many are researching businesses and their values before they purchase. With the age of social media and digital reviews at our fingertips, customers are able to access information on the honesty, authenticity and integrity of any business. Businesses that show integrity, honesty and live by their values are often recommended by customers.
If you want a positive business culture, integrity must be a core principle. It encourages diversity and open communication within the business. Even one person acting with integrity can inspire others to do the same, shaping the business culture. Teams that have integrity tend to hold each other accountable and build on momentum. As a result, these teams are often more productive and suffer from less burnout.
Having integrity in your business will attract employees with similar values. You are far more likely to retain valuable staff if you conduct business with honesty and integrity. Integrity builds trust and loyalty and teams are more likely to have the confidence to problem solve when things go wrong.
How to demonstrate integrity in the workplace?
As a business owner, demonstrating integrity to your team is so important. Ensure you clearly define the business values and let them guide you to making your business decisions. Hold yourself accountable, just as you would your team.
Integrity can be demonstrated through valuing your teams time, showing them gratitude, and following through on your promises. Respecting your own business policies enables you to make informed decisions, showing your team integrity.
All team members, including management, should demonstrate integrity by being ready and willing to work. Go above and beyond with your work and help your team members out when needed. You must lead by example. It is your attitude that will set the foundation for the team.
Cultivating a culture of integrity
In order to cultivate a culture of integrity, you must first act with integrity. Communicate your values to your team and let them know that you expect integrity from them.
A large part of integrity is transparency. Your team will thrive if you are open, honest and transparent with them. The same goes for your customers. We all make mistakes, owning up to them and being transparent about them and how you plan to fix them will show your team and customers that your business is built on integrity. Just make sure to remember that you do not need to reveal everything. There is a balance to be had. Build trust with integrity without comprising privacy or strategic interests.
Ultimately, integrity is about your values and ethics. Adhering to these even when there is nothing to gain. Do this and your team and business will be built on honesty and trust.
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