TYou work hard to acquire your customers, so you want to keep them around.
Not only that, but there is a lot of research proving that the ROI on returning customers is a lot more than first-time buyers. Therefore, customer retention is vital to ensure long-term success and should be a key importance for your business.
Keeping customers coming back to your business creates loyalty. Once customers are loyal to your business, they will support your business whenever and wherever they can. They will even promote your business for you via word of mouth. Your loyal customers are always the first to interact with your business and the first to take interest in anything new you are offering.
Simply put, you can’t have a successful, sustainable business without repeat business.
Solidify Repeat Customers with our following tips.
Specifically asking for negative feedback seems counter-intuitive, but it is the only way to know what needs to improve from a customer point of view. Business owners, and the team, are too close to the business to see systems, processes and products from an outside point of view. Asking your customers for honest feedback and take action on areas they identify need improvement.
Asking for truly honest feedback shows your customers that your value their real opinion, creating further connection with them. Acting on negative feedback can have one-time customers coming back for more.
Add value
The product or service itself should be great value in order to have customers coming back. Better performance, endurance, or lower costs than expected all add value to the transaction. Exceeding customer expectations is the best way to add value. That can be done through the product or service itself or added information, education or connection.
Provide all the information
Inform your customers of everything they need to know without them having to ask. Every product or service has an element of education needed for the user. Give that information and education to your customers as soon as you can. If there is a common issue that you constantly get feedback on, get on the front foot and let the customer know early. Explain and education your customers on your processes as well as the process they need to take after purchase.
All information prior to the purchase also needs to be accurate and easy to understand. Your customer needs to know exactly what they are purchasing and what will happen once they do. Create trust between your business and the customer by providing all the details upfront.
It always makes you feel special to receive a little something extra. Your customers will appreciate any gift of gratitude you can give them with their purchase.
You can also upsell with add-ons. One of the best ways to do this is to use the information you have about your customer and their purchase history to personalize your offers to them.
Follow Up
You should always be keeping in contact with your customers. It is so easy to follow up customers and ask for feedback with automation, however, you can also just call.
Find out how the customer is going with the product or service and start to build on the connection made prior to purchase. Create a post-purchase experience for the customer and develop a relationship with them to have them coming back.
Last impressions
First impressions are thought to be the most important, however, research is showing that the last impression is more vital to creating repeat business. It is often overlooked, but your customers will remember the last communication with your business and it can even make up for a negative first impression.
It is important to keep communicating with your customers after the sale and keep the connection with them strong, even if there is nothing further to sell them at that moment. Make an effort to engage with your customers and show them that you value them.
Although growth is often the main focus of a business, it can only keep the business going for so long, customer retention is essential for the sustainability of you business, so make your customer the priority before, during and after a sale to keep them coming back.
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