What does it take to be successful?
Most people overcomplicate success. We assume that we can’t be as successful as we would like so we set smaller goals. We think that if we set smaller goals and achieve them, then at least we will get somewhere. Meanwhile, we are believing that our big dreams are simply unattainable.
However, if we study successful people, we learn that there are some common habits and characteristics. While everyone’s version of success is different, it makes sense that our success can be determined by adopting some of the common traits of successful people.
While it can be hard work, it can also be quite a simple formula.
ActionCOACH teaches the following formula for success:
Dreams x Goals x Learning x Plans x Action = Success (D x G x L x P x A=S)
What is your vision for the future? Where do you want to be in 10-20 years’ time?
This is where you get to dream big. Don’t worry what other people may think of your dreams, they are yours. Think of everything you want in life and get a clear vision of your dream future.
Once you know what your dreams are, you need to make the tangible. Write them down, get a vision board, share them with a friend or coach. Whatever it takes to make them real.
Many people struggle with this as they feel like if they write their dreams down, it will cause guilt when they don’t happen. But if you don’t make your dreams tangible, then they are just dreams, they will never become reality.
Once you can see your vision clearly, you need to work on your goals. We are dealing with the shorter term here, 5-10 years. Setting goals is critical to your success.
Make sure they are specific, measurable and realistic, think SMART goals. Your goals can be adjusted along the way and will help you progress toward achieving your dream.
Don’t be afraid of setting too many goals, have things to strive for that can move you forward. If they seem too large, break them down into smaller steps.
And remember to reward your progress. Each step is another inch closer to your dream.
When setting your goals, you may find that there are some gaps in your knowledge. In fact, you should find that there are gaps in the knowledge you need to achieve your dreams.
Create a list of everything you need to learn to achieve the dreams you have. Then, get to learning. Read the books, take that class, join the groups, get a mentor, whatever you need to do to learn what you need to know.
This is also why we are such big advocates of personal development at ActionCOACH. You need to learn about your subjects of choice, but it is also critical to lean about yourself. Learn and become the version of yourself that can achieve those big dreams.
You’ve got the dream, you’ve set the goals, you have the knowledge you need, now is the time to make a plan. This is the way you will achieve the goals you have set. You will need accountability here, so make sure you have some support and if not, get a coach.
Remember, your strategies may change but your goal will remain the same. The outcome you are looking for is constant.
This can be a scary part of the process. You are identifying what actually needs to be done and sometimes it can get overwhelming. But with a plan in place, you will be able to act.
This is the part where it all comes undone for some people. You actually have to take action.
You can not achieve success if you haven’t actually done anything. This is where the time and effort come into play. Move toward where you want to be and do something to reach the dreams you started with.
Equals Success
It is as simple, and as difficult as that. Apply the formula and break it down, taking it step by step. You can realize success.
Remember to take time and look back at how far you have come. Sometimes we forget where we started on the road to our dreams and just how much we have already accomplished.
Don’t limit yourself and you can achieve great things.