With so many ups and downs the last few years, it is understandable that you may have crawled into a metaphorical hole and hidden from the world. But as we learn to live with the changes in the world, in person networking is back on the rise.
According to Forbes, in person events are well on the rise for 2022 and while attendance rates have been lower at recent events, the quality and connection in the conversation at these events has improved.
Maybe you are feeling so excited to get back out there and can’t wait to meet new people, but maybe you are also feeling a little intimidated and like you are not quite sure what to do.
After so long networking solely on Zoom, you may feel like you don’t remember what it is like to meet new people, but don’t worry, there are some things you can do to ease back into networking in person again.
Get to know the Event
You may be so excited to get out there that you just sign up to every event that comes your way. But if you are easing back into it, you might want to be a little more selective with your events.
Try to attend events where you know about the event and even who may be attending. Learn what you can about the event. Find out if there will be keynote speakers or key topics, find out what you can about the venue. That way you can prepare some conversation topic ideas before you set foot inside the event.
I also wouldn’t start with a massive event filled with hundreds of people if you are not comfortable with crowds. Learn about the event and see if it suits you in terms of size, formality and industries present.
Know the attendees
If you can, find out who else is attending, some event registration platforms will give you a list of the attendees. Have a look at their online presence and determine if they are a key person you would like to interact with at the event. Once you know who the people you want to connect with are, do a little more research. Check their socials, LinkedIn, websites and find out if you have any common ground to talk to.
Know Yourself
Yes, confidence in yourself plays a big role in networking, but more importantly than that, is preparation. Know what you want to say and you will naturally be more confident in your delivery. Know yourself, your business, what you do and what problem you solve for your customers. Be authentic, people are craving connection right now, so be yourself.
It may have been some time since you used it, but pull out that elevator pitch and practice. Remember to keep the elevator pitch (or intro speech) to under a minute and try to pack it with information about the business and what makes you unique. Infuse a little personality and you are good to start the conversations.
Conversation Starters
Knowing about the event, who is attending and dusting off your elevator pitch are really all ways to determine some great conversation starters. Use the research you have just done to prepare some things you can say to break the ice with a specific person, or even a small group. You can also use industry news and trends or topics you know would suit the event and the attendees.
Just remember that the event is about authentic connection, so once you have started the conversation, be sure to listen. We can get so caught up in getting what we want to say out of our mouths quickly, that we forget to listen for responses. When you are practicing your elevator pitch and preparing what you are going to say, make sure you allow for questions and pauses to listen to what the others are responding with.
Update your Presence
Remember point 1 about knowing who will be attending and checking out their Socials?! Well, if you are doing it, they probably are too. Make sure everything across your online presence is up to date. Haven’t updated that LinkedIn profile in a while? Now is the time to do it. Haven’t posted to the business Facebook for 3 months? Do a quick update post to let them know you are still here. The goal is to make it easy for everyone else who is preparing to be able to find you at the event.
Have a Goal
Before the event, think about why you are going. Is it solely to increase your network? To increase your Brand Awareness? Are you ready to take on another client? Do you need to find someone who has a specific service? Having a purpose for attending the event will mean you can focus on the outcome and will allow you to seek out opportunity.
Stay Open to Possibility
While having a focus and potential outcome helps with keeping you on the right path and on the look out for opportunity, you never know what is going to happen or who you will meet at these events. Sometimes you meet someone you never thought to talk to before and they can teach you new things or bring new people into your business network. While on the look out for the opportunities you are focussed on, don’t forget about the unexpected opportunities that may come along.
Prepare for Follow-Up
While this step is not essential to prepare for the actual event, it is a great idea to also have a plan for after the event. Ho many times have you been to an event, made some great connections and never done anything with them?! Networking is not about collecting business cards, it is about creating connections. To further that connection along, make sure you have a plan to follow up on any interesting conversations or opportunities.
It may be daunting getting back into networking in person, but with some preparation and practice, you may start to find it enjoyable.
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